Requests for reproductions can be sent by email to our reproduction service.
We try to deliver reproductions as soon as possible, with a maximum turnaround time of three weeks for standard requests. The reproductions are delivered in digital form and paid for on receipt of the invoice, or by cash in the reading room.
A few points
- The library only reproduces documents from its own collection. It may refuse a reproduction request if the document would be damaged in the process.
- Reproductions should be for study or private purposes; commercial use is permitted subject to payment of the reproduction rights as defined in the fee regulations.
- If you wish to use a reproduction in a publication, you must request permission from the director of the Heritage Library. You should also include a proper source citation in your publication (Hendrik Conscience Heritage Library, Antwerp, catalogue no. ...).
- The Hendrik Conscience Heritage Library accepts no liability for any illegal use made by customers or third parties of reproductions it has provided.
If you use a reproduction of a copyrighted work, you must contact the copyright holder(s) yourself.
Permission for use in a publication
- This can be requested by sending an email to our reproduction service.
The library would be glad to receive a copy of the publication for inclusion and long-term preservation in its own collection.
Open data
- The City of Antwerp applies the open data principle. This means that digital reproductions which are no longer subject to copyright may be used freely in any publication. However, a proper source citation is necessary for each image used.
- The library would also be glad to receive a copy of any such publication for inclusion in its own collection.